
Showing posts from February, 2023

Toronto Files - How to Glue gastric varix

Glue Glubran2 used at SMH 0.5 ml cyanoacryl glue in each ampule. Lipidol comes in 10 ml glass ampules. - Need heaps of 5 ml and 10 ml syringes, and 23 G 5mm needles Steps for drawing up glue 1) In a 5 ml syringe, first draw 0.5 ml of lipidol, followed by 0.5 ml of glue 2) In a 10 ml syringe, draw 10 ml of distilled water (not normal saline, as this would cause delayed polymerization). When ready to inject, take a 23 G 5 mm needle --> flush it with glue (it has dead space of just over a ml) - (dont expect glue to come out of the needle) -  insert the needle through the working channel of the scope - poke the varix when ready -> immediately flush with distilled water - and ask the nurse to loudly count mls squirted - by the time 2 mls is squirted, all glue has been injected, by the time third ml is being injected, pull the needle out of the varix.  Close the needle and take it out of the scope.  For further injection - take a new 23 G needle and repeat above steps

Albumin - NOT a marker of malnutrition

 Albumin - Half life 20 days - Strong Negative acute phase reactant - Causes of hypoalbuminemia    a) Inflammation - reduced production by liver / increased catabolism    b) Increased losses - Urine / Gut - Note: Albumin is NOT a marker of nutritional status in general - low albumin is a/w poor outcomes in general for above reasons A systematic review assessed the role of albumin and prealbumin in otherwise healthy subjects who were severely nutrient- deprived due to poor access to food or unwillingness to eat, mostly due to anorexia nervosa [ 40 ]. The study showed that serum albumin and prealbumin levels were maintained even in the presence of distinct weight loss, and they were lowered only during extreme starvation (BMI < 11 kg/m 2 ) .  Serum Albumin and Prealbumin in Calorically Restricted, Nondiseased Individuals: A&nbsp;Systematic Review | Elsevier Enhanced Reader  - is my fav paper really debunking the age-old myth of albumin and nutriti...

Protein Losing Enteropathy

 Protein losing Enteropathy  - Increased GI losses of proteins of all molecular weights (alb and glob) - Causes: mucosal injury / increased mucosal permeability / lymphatic obstruction - Very wide differential diagnosis (see UTD) - UGI / colonoscopy - duodenal biopsy reasonable. May need X-sectional imaging of small bowel such as MRE / Capsule too - Symptoms - doesnt have to cause diarrhoea / bloating - Inv: Alpha-1 anti-trypsin in stool - It is a globulin protein made in liver, secreted in GI tract, which is 'resistant to proteolysis', except by acid in stoamch (eg in case of Menteriers disease) - Needs 24 hr stool collection (refer to UTD for normal values)

Autoimmune Gastritis

 Antral sparing / Body involvement: - similar prevalence in all races - F (3): > M (1) - Anti-parietal cell Ab (80% sensitive, low specificity), Anti-IF antibody (low Sen, high Spec), Gastrin levels (expected to be high) can be requested to corroborate diagnosis - 1/3rd patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, and 10% patients with DM-1 have it - Rindi type 1 NET / risk of Gastric Ca due to atrophy ->IM pathway