Albumin - NOT a marker of malnutrition


- Half life 20 days

- Strong Negative acute phase reactant

- Causes of hypoalbuminemia
   a) Inflammation - reduced production by liver / increased catabolism
   b) Increased losses - Urine / Gut

- Note: Albumin is NOT a marker of nutritional status in general

- low albumin is a/w poor outcomes in general for above reasons

A systematic review assessed the role of albumin and prealbumin in otherwise healthy subjects who were severely nutrient- deprived due to poor access to food or unwillingness to eat, mostly due to anorexia nervosa [40]. The study showed that serum albumin and prealbumin levels were maintained even in the presence of distinct weight loss, and they were lowered only during extreme starvation (BMI < 11 kg/m2)

Serum Albumin and Prealbumin in Calorically Restricted, Nondiseased Individuals: A&nbsp;Systematic Review | Elsevier Enhanced Reader - is my fav paper really debunking the age-old myth of albumin and nutrition, once and for all.


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