Hep B / HCC screening - ReachB
m.c form of acquiring Hep B in Asia - Vertically
m.c form of acquiring Hep B in western coutnries: Parenterally (sexual / needles etc)
- Neonates have immature immune system, so they cant 'fight-off' vertically acquired virus. Over 90% of babies infected with Hep B, go on to have chronic Hep B infection
- 95% of adults if they acquire Hep B - fight it off!
- HBV is a DNA virus - replicates efficiently. But is error-prone. Plagued with mutants.
- e-antigen negative mutant - tend to be in older patients, tend to be more aggressive.
- 30-50% of HCC in HBV occurs in absence of cirrhosis
Reveal study - 15 year follow-up study of untreated patients with HEp B. The only factor that was relevant in predicting risk of HCC was viral load at base-line!
Viral load more than 10*4 (2000 IU/ml) was predictive of risk of HCC or Cirrhosis (similar graph for Cirrhosis as for HCC)
*Criteria for Stratification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Risk in patients with Hepatitis B
Not on Treatment
REACH-B (adopted by Hepatitis Foundation)
Score <10 (low risk) → 6 monthly AFP in primary care
Score >10 (mod/high risk) → 6 monthly AFP/USS in secondary care
(Reach-B score available from MD Calc)
REAL-B score (patients on Treatment)
NUC suppressed patients
Parameter |
| Points | Patient Score |
Gender | Female | 0 | 0 |
| Male | 1 |
Age | 18-29 | 0 |
| 30-39 | 1 |
| 40-49 | 2 | 0 |
| 50-59 | 3 |
| 60-69 | 4 |
| 70-79 | 5 |
| ≥80 | 6 |
Alcohol | No alcohol | 0 | 0 |
| Drinking | 1 |
Cirrhosis at baseline | No cirrhosis | 0 | 0 |
| Cirrhosis | 2 |
Diabetes | No diabetes | 0 | 0 |
| Diabetes | 1 |
Platelet count | ≥150 | 0 | 0 |
| <150 | 1 |
| <100 | 2 |
AFP | <10 | 0 | 0 |
| ≥10 | 1 |
REAL-B Score |
| 0 |
REAL B score
Score ≤4 (low risk) → 6 monthly AFP in primary care
Score >4 (mod/high risk) → 6 monthly AFP/USS in secondary care
New Recommendations
AFP + USS 6 monthly if at least one of the following:
Severe fibrosis/cirrhosis (LSM >8.1kPa)
Family history of HCC (one first degree relative or two second degree relatives)
Not on NUC treatment and REACH B score >10
Suppressed on NUCS and REAL B score >4
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