Safety of FNA needles in puncturing vessels (in animal model)

In pigs, Thoracic and abdominal aorta, celiac axis, superior mesenteric and splenic artery, splenic, portal, and hepatic veins were injected with contrast by using FNA needles under fluoroscopy under EUS guidance.

Immediate Necropsy

  • The 25-gauge FNA needle did not cause any visible vascular injury or bleeding. 
  • The 22-gauge needle left a visible puncture mark without active bleeding. 
  • In 1 of 5 pigs, the 19-gauge needle caused a localized vascular hematoma around Thoracic and Abdomial aorta and 150 mL of intra-abdominal blood.

Mind - it was an FNA needle (not FNB)

 Source: :10.1016/j.gie.2007.01.011


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