Safety and Efficacy of different types of NOAC compared to Warfarin

Safety and Efficacy of different types of NOAC compared to Warfarin

Among patients with Non-valvular AF, who were at higher risk of GI bleeding (HASBLED>3) (age >75 / steroid / NSAID co-consumption / prior GI bleed) 

•Efficacy: Dabigatran, Rivarxoaban, Apixaban were associated with reduced risk of stroke and systemic embolism compared to Warfarin 

Safety:  Risk of major GI bleeding when compared to warfarin: 
       Best was apixaban compared to warfarin (HR 0.59) 

       Dabigatran similar to Warfarin 
       Rivaroxaban slightly worse than Warfarin (HR 1.11) 

As of Nov 2022, apixaban is not funded in NZ 



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